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Serving tongs perforated | stainless steel matted

Sale priceSFr. 27.00

    • Material: 18-8 stainless steel, matt finish
    • .
    • perforated
    • Dimensions: 22cm (length )
    • Dishwasher safe
    • Design: Sori Yanagi
    • Good Design Award
    • Made in Niigata, Japan
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    Kostenfreier Versand ab CHF 100,-

    Schöpfkelle aus Kupferdraht | Tsujiwa Kanaami | Made in Kyoto Japan
    Serving tongs perforated | stainless steel matted Sale priceSFr. 27.00


    These kitchen tongs, formed from a single piece of stainless steel, fit perfectly in the hand thanks to their ergonomic design. The perforation makes it easy to strain and serve at the same time. The tongs can be used for a variety of dishes, including pasta, salads and cooked food, and can be used for "dressing", "serving" and "portioning", all of which are essential in cooking.

    Part of a series that won the Good Design Award in 1998. Made in Niigata, Japan, a region renowned for the quality of its stainless steel and metalwork.


    Sori Yanagi's kitchen product line began in 1974 with an extensive cutlery range and has since expanded to include pots, pans, kettles, strainers, bowls, knives, utensils and cast-iron grills. His design concept is based on simplicity and the incorporation of small ideas that have a big impact on us.
    Yanagi, who is often ranked with legendary masters of industrial design such as Charles & Ray Eames and Arnie Jacobsen, is considered one of Japan's most influential product designers and a pioneer of the post-war industrial design movement in Japan.

    He is considered the father of modern Japanese design. Sori Yanagi is a name synonymous with modern Japanese design. He is best known for the Butterfly Stool (1956) and for designing the official torches for the 1964 Tokyo and 1972 Sapporo Olympic Games. Drawing on his family's history in the Mingei folk art movement and his background in art and architecture, his designs combine ideas of traditional craftsmanship with modern functions and production methods. Yanagi's award-winning kitchen utensils exemplify his ability to translate Japanese forms and sensibilities to the needs and materials of the industrial age, creating tools that look and feel light and organic while being extremely efficient and durable. Yanagi passed away in 2011.

    Die Story zu TSUJIWA KANAAMI

    Tsujiwa Kanaami ist eine familiengeführte Werkstatt in Kyoto, die sich seit 1933 auf das Handwerk des kyō-kanaami spezialisiert hat. Kyō-kanaami ist eine Tradition des Handwebens mit Metalldraht (kana bedeutet "Metall" und ami "weben") zur Herstellung von Küchenutensilien, die auf die Heian-Zeit (794-1185) zurückgeht. Der Draht wird sorgfältig zu komplizierten Mustern verflochten, um elegante, zarte, aber dennoch robuste und langlebige Küchenutensilien herzustellen, die von Profiköchen und Hobbyköchen gleichermassen geschätzt werden.


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