WONDERS WAIT EVERYWHERE - The Rediscovery of Simple Things
For the good is so close
We don't always need more, not even a lot, but one thing above all: the right thing. It is through the simple things in life that we experience clarity and balance. The pencil that has been with us for half a lifetime. The home-made jam that tastes of summer memories. The walk in spring, the smell of earth and the sudden feeling of departure. All this can show us that we are part of a big whole, that it is good the way it is.This book encourages with sensual design to focus one's lifestyle on the essentials and to trust the simple life anew. It is an invitation to recognise everyday difficulties for what they are: Snapshots. The next miracle may already be waiting around the next corner. In the simple things, the good is already there, all around us, everywhere and every day.
- Title: Miracles are Waiting Everywhere - Rediscovering the Simple Things .
- Author: Stefan Weigand
- Publisher: Kösel Verlag
- Publication date: 30.03.2020.
- Language: German
- ISBN: 9783466372577
- Format: 20.8/17.7/2 cm
- Weight: 520g
- Cover: bound edition, 144pages.
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About the author
Stefan Weigand, born in 1978, studied theology and philosophy and was initially a non-fiction editor. A few years ago, the enthusiastic photographer then founded an agency for book and web design. On quiet evenings, he devotes himself to his weakness for art, jazz and indie music. Most recently, he has discovered jam cooking for himself.

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