Donabe - Classic and Modern Japanese Clay Pot Cooking
An essential cookbook if you own or want to start cooking with a donabe. Whether you want to prepare a meal for yourself or for family and friends, this cookbook contains recipes that are rich in flavour and easy to prepare at the same time. This cookbook also includes recipes for different donabe types, so you can freely explore the world of donabe cooking.
The exclusive and award-winning donabe cookbook with recipes, history and colour photos for authentic Japanese donabe recipes.
- Title: Donabe - Classic and Modern Japanese Clay Pot Cooking
- Author:Naoko Moore, Kyle Connaughton
. - Publisher:Ten Speed Press
Publication date: 27.10.2015
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Language: English
- Format: 23.6/23.3/3 cm
Weight 1253g
Cover: Hardback, 307 pages, 150 colour illustrations
. - Types of Donabe: Classic Style Donabe, Kamado-San, Soup and Stew Donabe, Mushi Nabe, Donabe Steamer, Ibushi Gin,Donabe Smoker,
Tagine Style Donabe
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About the authors:
Naoko Moore is an expert on Japanese home cooking who also specialises in donabe cooking. Her goal is to spread the word about Japanese donabe and its associated healthy cooking and lifestyle.
Kyle Connaughton is a chef, author and culinary educator. As well as being a contributor and editor of Modernist Cusine, he was head chef for research and development at Heston Blumenthal's three-star Michelin restaurant, The Fat Duck.

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