The Sewing Book
The Merchant & Mills Sewing Book contains 15 step-by-step projects designed to guide you gently but confidently through the basics of sewing. Make them all and you'll be a skilled seamstress with a range of functional, beautiful, handmade goods.
- Title: Merchant and Mills Sewing Book .
- Author: Carolyn Denham and Roderick Field
- Publishers: Pavilion.
- Year: 2012
- ISBN: 9781908449092
- Format: 24.7 x 19.5 x 2.5 cm Weight 857 g.
- Hardcover, 176 pages with pattern and photos .
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The Sewing Book
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Author Carolyn Denham and Roderick Field are Merchant & Mills. They founded the company at the Hay Festival in 2010. They make a range of cardboard patterns and ready-made kits and also provide excellent ideas, which they sell in stark, utilitarian packaging that contrasts strongly with the pretty, flowery image of the average haberdasher. Carolyn has a degree in fashion and has lived and worked in Italy and New York. She spent several years in interior design. Roderick is an established photographer and writer with work in the National Portrait Gallery. He is currently working on a series of Merchant & Mills postcards and is in talks with Waterstone's about making an oilskin cover for the Kindle. Merchant & Mills products are stocked by the Design Museum!

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