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Incense Wood | Palo Santo | Sacred Wood of South America

Sale priceSFr. 15.00

  • Material: dead wood
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  • Package contents: 3 sticks
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  • Burn time: can be relit up to 100x
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  • Fragrances: eucalyptus, pine, mint and lavender.
  • Dimension: 11.5 x 5.5 x 2 cm
  • 100% made in the wild
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  • Country of origin: Peru
  • .
  • Packaging:made from 100% recycled paper, punched and printed with an old Heidelberger Tiegel printing press from 1952, Handmade in Germany
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Kostenfreier Versand ab CHF 100,-

PALO SANTO Räucherholz Holy Wood aus Südamerika beruhigend reinigend
Incense Wood | Palo Santo | Sacred Wood of South America Sale priceSFr. 15.00


Palo Santo the "Sacred Wood"of South Americais a naturally dead wood from South America, which is rich in essential oils and spreads a pleasant scent of eucalyptus, pine, mintand lavender when burning. In the tradition of shamanic rituals, mystical powers, energetic cleansing abilities and healing properties were attributed to the sacred sticks. When lit, the Palo Santo fragrance has a calming effect and stimulates creativity. The fragrance is used to purify air and stuffy rooms and is effective against insects and mosquitoes.

Palo Santo comes exclusively from dead trees. Forthe sticks, therefore, no tree was felled.

Application: One end of the piece of wood is lit and placed in a fireproof bowl. The pleasant fragrance will spread throughout the room and the embers will go out after a short while. The stick can be relit up to 100 times.


Smoking the resinous wood goes back to a millennia-old tradition of the shamans and is considered one of the oldest healing rituals.

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Izak Pieterse
Smells amazing

The product and service is amazing

Thanks Izak for your 5 Stars!

Kathrin Kündig
Grosse Freude

Die Räucherhölzchen sind toll und prima verpackt. Besten Dank!

Elisabeth Zihlmann
Top schnell und persönlich

Kaum bestellt und schon geliefert und erst noch mit einer persönlichen Grussbotschaft. Richtig toll!

Für den Frühling

Reinigt auf allen Ebenen und riecht wunderbar

Danke Carolina!

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