Card set game | 90 questions that connect
- Title: 90 questions that connect
- Author: Beherzt
- Publisher: Beherzt
- Social game
- Language: German
- ISBN: 4260246820008
- Size: 95 x 185 mm
- Scope of delivery: slipcase with 90 question cards
- Climate neutral, plastic-free
- Cards made of 100% FSC-certified waste paper
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90 questions that connect. For courageous conversations in pairs.
We too rarely ask ourselves the really important questions. Because time and courage or an occasion are missing. 90 Questions is that occasion. It offers conversation cards for two trusted people, whether friend:s, partner:s or family members who are ready for closeness. Because 90 questionsopens lips and hearts, fires openness, solidifies assumptions, throws others over the top, bends corners of mouths, makes one blush, reddens cheeks, digs deep, demands courage, raises eyebrows and tickles out compliments.

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