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Decke Mimi | Lammwolle | Apricot | 150 x 200 cm

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Regular priceSFr. 209.00 Sale priceSFr. 179.95

  • Material: 100% Norwegische Schurwolle
  • Farbe: apricot
  • Muster: Hahnentritt
  • Dimension: 150 x 200 cm
  • Gewicht: 0.9 kg
  • Handwäsche bis 30 °C mit Wollwaschmittel
  • Design: Anderssen & Voll
  • Hergestellt in Norwegen
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Kostenfreier Versand ab CHF 100,-

Lammwolldecke Mimi 150x200cm Apricot | RØROS TWEED | Made in Norwegen
Decke Mimi | Lammwolle | Apricot | 150 x 200 cm Regular priceSFr. 209.00 Sale priceSFr. 179.95


Mimi Decke von Røros Tweed – Klassisches Hahnentrittmuster in moderner Eleganz

Die Mimi Decke von Røros Tweed bringt das klassische Houndstooth-Muster (Hahnentritt) in eine zeitlose, moderne Form. Dieses traditionsreiche Webmuster reicht bis ins antike Schottland zurück und ist heute ein ikonisches Designelement – von der Nationaltracht bis zur Haute Couture.

Gefertigt aus hochwertiger norwegischer Wolle, bietet die Decke eine weiche, warme und langlebige Qualität. Die harmonisch abgestimmten, warmen Farbtöne verleihen ihr einen eleganten und stilvollen Ausdruck, der sich perfekt in jedes Wohnambiente einfügt.

  • Klassisches Hahnentrittmuster, inspiriert von traditioneller Webkunst
  • Hochwertige norwegische Wolle – warm, weich und langlebig
  • Zeitlose Eleganz durch dezente, warme Farbtöne
  • Vielseitig einsetzbar – als Sofadecke, Tagesdecke oder stilvolles Wohnaccessoire
  • Nachhaltig & in Norwegen produziert – handwerkliche Perfektion aus Røros


  • Handwäsche bis 30 °C mit Wollwaschmittel
  • Vorsichtig waschen, nicht reiben oder auswringen
  • Pflegeetikett beachten für spezifische Anweisungen

Ein stilvolles Designstück, das skandinavische Tradition mit moderner Wohnkultur verbindet – für gemütliche und stilvolle Momente zu Hause.

Die Story zu Røros Tweed


The Røros Tweed company is located 600m above sea level. M. located mountain town of Røros. A textile factory with its own history, because this is where the origin of a special foundation lies.

It all started with the will of the director of a copper smelter, Peder Hiort, who left his fortune to the poor of Røros in the 18th century. The money was to be used to buy wool for distribution to the poor, who would use it to make clothing and textiles, which were urgently needed in the cold mountain region. The home workers delivered the products and received their wages for it. The textiles were then distributed to those in need.

Many who had initially received wages for their work received the products back as a charitable gift. The will is still considered one of the smartest foundations in the north.

The idea of ​​the Hiort Foundation and its competences and quality standards were taken into a new era with the founding of Røros Tweed. A central spinning mill was set up, but weaving continued to be done at home, as it had been for over 150 years during the time of the Hiort Foundation.

Today, all Røros Tweed products are manufactured industrially and using innovative technology to meet modern demands for quality and design.

Thanks to the natural living conditions for the sheep, Norwegian virgin wool has another special feature: it is very elastic. If you squeeze the raw wool with your hands and then let go, it quickly returns to its original volume. This elasticity ensures that Røros blankets are so voluminous – and stay that way for a long time.

The fact that Røros Tweed pays so much attention to purely Norwegian production is also due to thisAppreciation of regional traditions and social motivation. Røros, the only mountain town in Norway, is located 600 m above sea level. An amazing location for a textile factory that has a special history.

The industrialist Peder Hiort (1715 to 1789) had stipulated in his will that his assets would be used to purchase wool so that the needy of Røros could use it to weave textiles in paid home work.

In this traditionresponsible actionstands Røros Tweed and continues the basic idea of ​​the Hiort Foundation -technically advanced and ecologically conscious.The products are designed and manufactured in such a way that the materials usedreused and returned to the material cyclecan be. This conserves resources, saves material costs and avoids waste.

Norwegian wool from purely Norwegian production and close collaboration with leading Scandinavian textile artists and designers make Røros plaids one of the most renowned Norwegian quality products.

Røros-Tweed has been awarded the Norwegian Design Council's “Award for Outstanding Design” several times.

Mehr zu Røros Tweed

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Irene Furrer
Exquisite Wohndecke

Eine schön verarbeitete Decke, die sich farblich wunderbar mit der Einrichtung ergänzt.

Herzlichen Dank Irene für dein tolles Feedback. Weiterhin viel Freude mit der schönen Decke.

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