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Japanese Kitchen Knife | Tadafusa x Niwaki | Nakiri 165mm

Sale priceSFr. 129.00

  • Blade: Shirogami white paper steel
  • Blade thickness: 4.0-1.0mm
  • Hardness of cutting edge: 63 HRC
  • Blade length: 165mm
  • Overall length: 308 x 20 x 53mm
  • Weight: 159g
  • Handle: walnut wood (octagonal)
  • Ferrules: plastic
  • Knife type: vegetable knife - it is slightly bevelled for traditional Japanese vegetable preparation, also suitable for meat
  • Suitable for right and left handers
  • .
  • Gift box
  • Manufacture: Tadafusa
  • Handmade in Sanjo Japan
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NIWAKI - Japanisches Küchenmesser | Tadafusa x Niwaki | Nakiri 165mm
Japanese Kitchen Knife | Tadafusa x Niwaki | Nakiri 165mm Sale priceSFr. 129.00


Beautifully balanced and simple Japanese kitchen knife with white paper steel blades and walnut octagonal handle. Unsurpassed in weight, feel, quality and price/performance, for a three-ply Japanese steel knife.


The White Paper Steel is a popular choice for Japanese chefs as they are quick and easy to sharpen, making them suitable not only for regular sharpening, but also for beginners.


The sharp blades are made of carbon steel (both the inner and outer layers) and will oxidise and rust if not cared for - clean, dry thoroughly, and brush with a little wipe with camellia oil if not used daily.
Wash by hand and dry well - regular use is the best care!

Each knife is unique and comes in a high-quality cardboard box.

Care instructions:

Be careful with Japanese knives - the steel is brittle. Do not cut bones, do not use them on hard surfaces.

  • Hand wash
  • Avoid soaking - especially with traditional knives, as this expands the wooden handles
  • .
  • Dry thoroughly e.g. with the knifecloth
  • Store individually
  • Wipe with camellia oil if not used regularly
  • .
  • Sharpen about every fortnight if used regularly.

    Die Story zu NIWAKI


    In 1997, Jake visited Japan as a wannabe sculptor to research the cherry blossom cultural phenomenon, Hanami. There he discovers the gardens and the trees and wants to find out more about them.

    Back in England, he trains to become a TEFL teacher, meets Keiko and returns to Japan with her. In the first year he teaches, in the second year he works in a traditional nursery in a rural part of Osaka and learns everything about tree care, tree pruning and root ball formation.

    The name

    Niwakimeans garden tree. It's not very exciting, but it means much more than that. Japanese gardens are landscapes, microcosms of nature, and the trees are shaped to fit into those landscapes - there's a lot of artistry and cultural baggage in there. Niwaki founder Jake wrote a book about it if you're interested. So, the name. It's hard to say (ni-whacky) and hard to remember, but we like it for its power.


    Almost everything included in the product range is used by the Niwaki crew themselves. When Jake first pruned pine trees in Osaka, he was given a pair of pruning shears that are still as sharp as ever after more than a decade. Brother-in-law Haruyasu bought Jake his first Japanese scissors, and he hasn't used much else since.

    The collection is Japanese but works just as well in Western gardens and kitchens. You don't have to grow bonsai to enjoy these tools.

    It's these little details that convince us about the products.Garden toolsthat we didn't know before, such as thisHori Hori. On one side, a sharply ground blade and on the other, the usual serrations. The multitool in the garden or balcony.

    Mehr zu NIWAKI

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 1 review
    Marianne Smug

    Das Nakiri Messer schneidet zwar sehr gut und liegt gut in der Hand, aber es sieht schrecklich und unappetitlich aus und es rostet, rostet, rostet trotz täglichem Gebrauch und vorschriftsmässiger Pflege.
    Die Keramik Raffelscheibe ist super.

    Grüezi Frau Smug
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    Shirogami (Weißpapierstahl): ein unlegierter Kohlenstoffstahl mit hohem Reinheitsgrad und feinstem martensitischem Gefüge, sehr nahe am japanischen Schwertstahl. Eine sehr hohe Schärfe und Schnitthaltigkeit zeichnen diesen Stahl aus. Er wird insbesondere für feine Schnittwerkzeuge verwendet.
    Ein nicht-rostfreies Messer ist daher Pflege-intensiver. Ein nicht rostfreies Messer rostet sehr viel schneller, als Sie denken, wenn Sie es nicht richtig handhaben und pflegen. Das Messer ist direkt nach jedem Gebrauch wieder zu trocken. Es reicht einfach nicht, wenn man das Messer nach einstündigem Gebrauch zum ersten Mal spült und trocknet. Man sollte so ein Messer nie nass liegen lassen! Wenn das Messer gerade nicht schneidet, sollte das Messer trocken sein. Also: zwischendurch immer wieder mit klarem Wasser abspülen, abtrocknen!

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