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Japanese candles made of rice bran wax | Set of 12 | Kome-no-Megumi

Sale priceSFr. 26.00

  • Material: Rice bran wax
  • Dimension: 0.8 / 1.3 x 7 cm (diameter bottom/top x height)
  • Fragrance: Dair neutral, minimal smoke emission
  • .
  • Vegan
  • Burn time: approx 30minutes
  • Package contents: 12 candles
  • Packaging: Gift box made of cardboard.
  • Handmade in Nanao, Japan.
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Kerze aus Reiskleiewachs 12er Set | Kome-no-Megumi | TAKAZAWA CANDLE | Made in Japan
Japanese candles made of rice bran wax | Set of 12 | Kome-no-Megumi Sale priceSFr. 26.00


Kome-no-Megumi means the blessing of rice. Rice has been the staple food in Japan since ancient times. These candles are made from rice bran wax and burn for about 30 minutes. The light can give you time to drink a cup of coffee or listen to your favourite music. A kind of timer, but one that never makes you feel rushed.

Takazawa candles are known in Japan for their particularly bright and strong flame. This is due to the hollow core of the wick attracting oxygen from below, increasing combustion efficiency and producing a strong flame. By using natural, vegetable waxes, Takazawa candles burn fragrance-neutrally with minimal smoke.

The Kome-no-Megumi set consists of 12 candles and comes in a beautiful gift box.

Fits Koma S or Rippoh candle holder.



    Takazawa Candle was founded in 1892 and is one of Japan's oldest candle heart makers. The manufactory produces traditional candles, also called warousoku, from purely vegetable raw materials. The production of the candles is based on a technique that has not changed since the 16th century.

    Different types of wax are used for the candles, which are obtained from plant-based raw materials: Fruits of the HAZE tree (sumac), rice bran, rapeseed flower oil and fruits of the URUSHI tree. The natural energy stored in these plants is used when these candles burn, making them environmentally friendly. When they go out, the candles release less soot and less unpleasant odour thanks to the natural, plant-based waxes.
    The flame of TAKAZAWA candles is larger and brighter. This is due to the structure of the traditional wick, which is thicker in diameter than its western counterpart. The wick is made from a combination of WASHI paper, rush grass and silk fibres, which also come from nature.


    Die Story zu TAKAZAWA CANDLE

    Takazawa Candle – Tradition seit 1892

    Takazawa Candle wurde 1892 gegründet und ist einer der ältesten Kerzenhersteller Japans. Die Manufaktur fertigt traditionelle Warousoku-Kerzen aus rein pflanzlichen Rohstoffen, basierend auf einer seit dem 16. Jahrhundert unveränderten Technik.

    Für die Warousoku-Kerzen werden verschiedene pflanzliche Wachse verwendet, darunter die Früchte des HAZE-Baums (Sumach), Reiskleie, Rapsblütenöl und die Früchte des URUSHI-Baums. Diese natürlichen Rohstoffe speichern Energie, die beim Abbrennen der Kerzen freigesetzt wird, was sie besonders umweltfreundlich macht. Dank der pflanzlichen Wachse produzieren Takazawa-Kerzen weniger Russ und Geruch.

    Ein weiteres Merkmal ist die grössere und hellere Flamme der Takazawa-Kerzen, die durch die einzigartige Struktur des traditionellen, dickeren Dochts entsteht. Der Docht wird aus einer Kombination von WASHI-Papier, Binsengras und Seidenfasern hergestellt – alles natürliche Materialien, die die umweltfreundliche und nachhaltige Philosophie von Takazawa Candle unterstreichen.


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